Home Lifestyle A Doctor wants to play Poker

A Doctor wants to play Poker

A doctor answers his phone and hears the familiar voice of a colleague on the other end of the line.

‘We need a fourth for poker,’ said the friend.

‘I’ll be right over,’ whispered the doctor.

As he was putting on his coat, his wife asked, ‘Is it serious?’

‘Oh yes, quite serious,’ said the doctor gravely. ‘In fact, there are three doctors there already!’


Revenge of the Blonde

A blonde woman was sick and tired of all the unfair jokes about blondes. One evening, she went home and memorized all the state capitals.

Back in the office the next day, some guy started telling a dumb blonde joke. She interrupted him with a shrill announcement, “I’ve had it up to here with these blonde jokes.

I want you to know that this blonde went home last night and did something probably none of you could do. I memorized all of the state capitals.”

One of the guys, of course, said, “I don’t believe you. What is the capital of Texas?”

“T!” she answered.

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