Home Lifestyle A brunette woman challenges a blonde woman to a swimming race

A brunette woman challenges a blonde woman to a swimming race

A brunette woman challenges a blonde woman to a swimming race across the English Channel.

The brunette tells her, “You have to breaststroke all the way.”

The brunette finishes up the race within a few hours and waits for the blonde. She waits and waits and eventually falls asleep.

The next morning she wakes up to the blonde standing over her extremely angry yelling, “You used your arms!”

A blonde stops at a gas station

A blonde woman is driving down the road. She notices that she’s low on gas, so she stops at a gas station.

While she’s pumping her gas, she notices that she locked the keys in the car.

So when she goes inside to pay, she asks the attendant for a hanger so that she can attempt to open the door herself. She returns outside and begins to jimmy the lock.

Ten minutes later, the attendant comes out to see how the blonde is faring.

Outside the car, the blonde is moving the hanger around and around while another blonde inside the car is saying, “A little more to the left…a little more to the right!…”