Home Lifestyle A boy came home from University in tears

A boy came home from University in tears

Fred came home from University in tears. “Mum, am I adopted?” he asked.

“No of course not,” replied his mother. “Why would you think such a thing?”

Fred showed her his genealogy DNA test results. No match for any of his relatives, and strong matches for a family who lived on the other side of the city.

Perturbed, his mother called her husband. “Honey, Fred has done a DNA test, and… and… I don’t know how to say this… he may not be our son.”

“Well, obviously!”

She gasped. “What do you mean?”

“It was your idea in the first place! You remember, that first night in the hospital when the baby did nothing but scream and cry and scream and cry. On and on. And you asked me to change him. I picked a good one I reckon. Ever so proud of Fred.”

Two elderly men were frustrated about the woes of modern technology

A couple of elderly men were venting their frustrations about the woes of modern technology.

“I just can’t ever seem to remember my darn passwords,” grumbled one of them.

The other one smiled. “Oh really? I can never forget mine!”

“How do you manage it?” asked the first guy curiously.



“Well, I simply set all my passwords to ‘Incorrect’ so that whenever I’m told that my password is incorrect, I’ll remember it!”

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