Home Lifestyle A blonde woman was walking in the countryside one day

A blonde woman was walking in the countryside one day

A blonde woman was taking a walk in the countryside one day. She was in a field when she noticed something that intrigued her.

“Why doesn’t this cow have any horns?” she asked the local farmer who just happened to appear at that time.

“Well,” said the farmer, “Cows can do damage with their horns so we usually keep them trimmed down with a hacksaw. You can also treat young calves so their horns never grow. And some breeds don’t have any horns at all.”



He then continued, “But this cow doesn’t have any horns because it’s a horse…

A redhead walks into a salon

A redhead walks into a salon

A redhead walks into a salon and the hairstylist says: “your hair is gorgeous”

The redhead runs her hand through her hair and says: “It’s natural”

Then a brunette walks in and the stylist says: “I love your hair”.

The brunette runs her hand through her hair and says it’s natural.

Then a blonde with green streaks walks in and the stylist says “That’s different…”

The blonde sneezes wipe it on her hand and runs her hand through her hair and says,



“It’s natural!”