Home Lifestyle A blond guy wanted to skydive.

A blond guy wanted to skydive.

A blond guy always wanted to skydive.

He waited for years before he had the courage to enroll in a skydiving course.

They were taught how to jump and when to pull the cord.

The instructor told them, “First, after 10 seconds you pull the cord, if for some reason that doesn’t work, pull the second cord for the auxiliary parachute. At the bottom, there will be a bus waiting to take pick you up.”

So the blond guy takes his parachute and nervously sits down with everyone getting ready for the jump.

The light comes on and they start heading out of the plane one by one.

When it comes to his turn, the blond guy screams and jumps.

For 10 beautiful seconds, he gets to fly and hover.

Then he remembers to pull the cord.

Nothing happens.

Panicked, he pulls the other cord.

Again, nothing happens.

“Oh man,” said the blond guy to himself, “that bus better be down there or I’m screwed!”


Ice Fishing Blonde

A blonde who was given a fishing rod for her birthday decided to go ice fishing to make good use of her gift.

Early the next morning, she got all of her gear together and headed out to the ice.

When she reached her final destination, she cut a large hole in the ice and dipped the rod in.

Then suddenly she heard a voice saying, “There are no fish in there”.

So she moved to another spot and cuts another hole, but then the same voice spoke again and told her that there were no fish in there.

So she moves again and the voice tells her that there are no fish in there.

So she looks up and sees an irritated man staring down at her.

“How do you know there are no fish there?” asks the blonde.

So the man cooly says “Well, first of all, this is a hockey rink, and second of all, you’re going to have to pay for those holes.”


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!

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