A lost dog strays into a jungle.
A lion sees this from afar and says cautiously, “This guy looks edible, never seen his kind before.”
Then the lion rushes threateningly towards the dog.
The dog notices and starts to panic but when he tries to run into the jungle he sees some bones next to him and has an idea and says out loud “Mmm… that was some good lion meat!”
The lion abruptly stops and says, “Woah! This guy seems tougher than he looks, I better leave while I can.”
Over by the tree top, a monkey has seen it all.
The monkey realizes that he can take advantage of this situation by telling the lion and getting something in return.
So the monkey tells the lion what really happened, and the lion angrily says, “Get on my back, we’ll get him together.”
So they start rushing back to the dog.
The dog sees them and realizes what happened and starts to panic even more.
Then he has another idea and shouts, “Where the hell is that monkey? I told him an hour ago to bring me another lion!!!”
Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!
A Dog Walks Into A Butcher Shop.
A dog walks into a butcher shop.
The butcher asks, “What do you want?”
The dog points to the steak in a glass case.
“How many pounds?” The dog barks twice.
“Anything else?” The dog points to some pork chops and barks four times.
So the butcher wraps up a two-pound steak and four pork chops and places the bag in the dog’s mouth.
He then takes money from a purse tied around the dog’s neck and sees him out.
A customer, who has been watching in amazement, follows the dog to a house several blocks away, where it rings the doorbell to be let in.
As the owner appears at the door, the customer says, “What a remarkable dog!”
“Remarkable?” snorts the owner.
“This is the second time this week he’s forgotten his keys.”
Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!!