Home Lifestyle 1 salad for $3, 3 salads for $10

1 salad for $3, 3 salads for $10

One salad: $3, three salads: $10!

At the marketplace, a seller advertises “1 salad for $3, 3 salads for $10”.

A customer passing by stops and speaks with the seller:

-That’s not right!

-What do you mean?

-Well, that’s not an offer: 3 salads cost $9.

-No, sir, it says here that 3 salads cost $10.<br>
-I know, but how much do I pay if I buy 1 salad?


-And if I buy 2?


-Yes, because 3+3=6, now what about 3+3+3?

-That makes 9.

-So 3 salads cost $9.

-No sir, they cost $10, written just over there, on that board.

The client can’t fathom such stubbornness in another human being and proceeds to prove his point to the seller:

-Here, let me buy a salad.

-That will be $3, sir.

-Now, I’d like one more salad.

-That will be $3 again, sir.

-Finally, let me buy one last salad.

-That will also be $3, sir.

-How much did I pay you those 3 salads?

-$3+$3+$3, your paid $9.

-See? 3 salads are worth $9, not $10, you won’t sell much salads of you do it this way.

-Yes sir, I almost sold all my stock to people like you wanting to prove they’re smarter than me by buying 3 salads they don’t need, to make sure they are superior. My technique works! Besides, I can overprice those salads to $3, and no one bats an eye!

A teacher asked a student to give her sentence about a public servant

“Give me a sentence about a public servant,” said a teacher.

The small boy wrote: “The fireman came down the ladder pregnant.”

The teacher took the lad aside to correct him. “Don’t you know what pregnant means?” she asked.



“Sure,” said the young student confidently. “Means carrying a child.”

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