Home Lifestyle A Little boy wanted to go to the toilet

A Little boy wanted to go to the toilet

A little boy wanted to go to the toilet

A little boy was in class. He raised his hand and the teacher said, “What is it, Johnny?”

Johnny said, “I’ve got to go sh…….it, ma’am.”

The teacher replied, “Johnny don’t ever talk like that in class again next time say number 2.

Johnny says, “Yes, ma’am.”

About an hour later Johnny raises his hand again and the teacher says, “What is it now, Johnny?”



Johnny says, “My brother has to go sh………it, what’s his number?”

Little Johnny was at the local supermarket

Little Johnny was at the local supermarket with his parents.

Little Johnny, got tired of walking, so his Dad let Little Johnny sit on his shoulders.

As they walked Little Johnny started pulling his Dad’s hair.

His Dad asked Little Johnny to stop numerous times but he kept on.

Eventually, Little Johnny’s Dad got really annoyed and said, “Son Stop that immediately!”



“But, Daddy”, Little Johnny replied, “I’m just trying to get my chewing-gum back”.

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