Home Lifestyle Son told about his wish to his father.

Son told about his wish to his father.

The son asks his dad,

“Dad, what can I do if I want to live forever?”

Dad replies, “All you have to do is marry.”

The son is surprised, “And that will really make me live forever?”

Daddy replies “No, but the wish dies.”

A couple had been married for 35 years, and the pair was also celebrating their 60th birthdays.

During the celebration, a fairy godmother appeared and said that because they had been such a loving couple all those years, she would grant them each one wish.

The wife said she wanted to travel around the world. The fairy godmother waved her magic wand and boom. The wife had the tickets in her hand.

Then it was the husband’s turn. He paused for a moment, then said boldly, “Well, I’d like to have a wife 30 years younger than I.”

The fairy godmother picked up her wand and boom. He was now 90.

Now that they are retired, man and his wife are discussing all aspects of their future.

“What will you do if I die before you do?” man asked his wife.

After some thought, she said that she’d probably look for a house-sharing situation with three other single or widowed women who might be a little younger than herself, since she is so active for her age.

Then wife asked husband, “What will you do if I die first?”

He replied, “Probably the same thing.”

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