Home Lifestyle Most Americans can’t do it: Let’s see if you’re able to find...

Most Americans can’t do it: Let’s see if you’re able to find the dog hiding in this picture

Can you find the dog?

Here comes today’s challenge.

Below, we can see a picture of a forest.

But somewhere in the picture, a little dog is hiding.

Can you find it?

Take a close look. Not everyone can find it in this image, at least not on their first try.

In other words, it isn’t easy.

Have a few clues

Did you find it? If not, here is the picture again, zoomed in to give you less ground to cover.

If you haven’t found it yet, here is another clue: look at the grass.

Easier now? After the next image, you’ll see the correct answer.

If you found it, congratulations! You are one of the few people who found it on their own.

If not, no worries, you’ll find the correct answer in the picture below.

Yes, there’s the dog! The little devil’s face is visible between the grasses, such a cute and sneaky dog.

The person who took this picture did it at the perfect moment!

Did you find the dog? Then press that share button below to see if your friends are up to the challenge as well!

Comment your answer below 👇