Home Lifestyle A little boy prays for having a new bicycle

A little boy prays for having a new bicycle

A little boy prays for having a new bicycle

A little boy was in church next to his father and at his father’s request said a small prayer, “Dear God, please bless Mommy and Daddy and all the family to be healthy and happy.”

Suddenly he looked up and said out loud, “And please don’t forget to ask grandpa to give me a bicycle for my birthday!!”

“There is no need to shout like that,” said his father. “God isn’t hard of hearing.”

“No,” said the little boy,




“But Grandpa is.”

Little Johnny want to date a girl

A Kid went to his father and asked,

” Daddy, I fell in love and I want to date a girl who is Sandra, the neighbor’s daughter .”

Father: OMG. I have to tell you that Sandra is actually your sister. And You mustn’t tell your mom

The boy is not happy, but life goes on, the next month…

Son: “Daddy, I fell in love again.”

Father: “This time who is it?”

Son: ” it’s Angela, the other neighbor’s daughter.”

Father: ” Ooh, I wish you had not said that, Angela is also your sister.”

The son was so mad, he go to the mom and said:

” Mum I am so mad at Dad! I fell in love with six girls but I can’t date any of them because dad is their father!”

The mother hugs him affectionately and says,

“My love, you can date whomever you want…He is not your father.

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