Home Lifestyle 9-year-old boy gives unknown police officer a note in a restaurant

9-year-old boy gives unknown police officer a note in a restaurant

Nine-year-old Noah was having breakfast with his mom at Denny’s when he noticed a lone police officer at a nearby table.

Feeling nervous, Noah wanted to do something but was unsure what. He shared his observation with his mom and devised a plan.

Noah aspired to become a police officer, so he asked his mother if he could greet Officer Eddie Benitez. With her approval, Noah mustered the courage to approach Eddie but became too anxious to speak.

Instead, he devised a new plan to surprise the officer. Noah decided to use his birthday money to pay for Eddie’s breakfast.

Amanda, Noah’s mother, informed the waitress of their plan, and once they settled Eddie’s bill, Noah wrote a heartfelt message on the receipt. Carrying the receipt, Noah approached Eddie, who was initially confused.

However, upon reading Noah’s note expressing his admiration and gratitude, Eddie was deeply moved. He enthusiastically rose from his seat and took a photo with his young admirer.

The meaningful gesture left a lasting impact on Eddie, who carries the note with him every day. The Lakeland Police Department, where Eddie serves, found the story heartwarming and shared the photo on their Facebook page.


A man was waiting in line to pay for groceries suddenly an old man cut in line.

Waiting in line to pay for groceries while maintaining a 6ft distance, this man cut in line. He didn’t appear to notice what he’d done.

The person he skipped didn’t say anything, just maintained the proper distance.
When it was time for the man to pay he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small notepad. He’d forgotten his wallet.

He looked a bit disappointed and embarrassed. The person he skipped stepped up and told the cashier they’d take care of his groceries. (Which only consisted of Milk and Chocolate Chip Cookies.)

He was more than grateful. He kindly thanked them and off the man went.

Upon arrival at the register, the cashier asked: “He cut you off and you paid for his groceries. Why??”

“They calmly replied with a smile: “I hope that if one day my Dad forgets his wallet, someone will step up and buy his Milk and Cookies”

With all the negativity going on in the world…I thought it would be nice to share this moment.

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