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The July temperature in Joplin climbed over the one hundred mark.

Despite the scorching heat, Bozell was outside painting his house.

A passerby stopped for a moment to watch him and then asked,

“How come yer wearin’ two jackets?”

“‘Cause,” said the redneck, “the directions on the can say ta put on two coats!”

A blonde gets a job painting lines on the highway.

At the end of the first day, her supervisor is impressed. “Wow!” he says. “You did eight miles today! That’s amazing!”

The second day, the blonde’s production is down to four miles. “Still pretty darn good,” the supervisor says.

On the third day, the blonde only does two miles. The supervisor calls her into the office.

“What’s going on?” he asks. “The first day you did great with eight miles, then yesterday you were down to four, and today you only managed two. What’s the problem?”

The blonde rolls her eyes and says “Duh! The paint bucket keeps getting farther away!”

This redneck was parked behind a trailer load of pigs near the zoo in Washington, DC.

As the truck drove away–one of the pigs fell out.

The redneck walked over and picked the pig up and placed it in the front seat of his truck.

He was sitting there looking puzzled when a policeman walked up and asked what was going on.

He told the story and the policeman recommended he take the pig to the zoo.

The redneck was sitting in the same spot the next day with the pig sitting up in the front seat.

The cop said “didn’t I ask you to take this pig to the zoo?”

The redneck replied “I did and he liked it so well–today I’m taking him to the movies!”

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